Saturday, May 30, 2009


It's been a hot minute. I apologize. You understand how techinical difficulties go.  I've been having an urge to write lately, and now I finally am.  I think i need to update you on a few things.  

Camp- is wonderful.  It feels good to be back.  Being part of returning staff makes everything so much easier.  I am really excited to spend another summer with becky.  She took me out for a birthday lunch today. and i realized that i've missed hanging out with her.  I told her about my "condition", if you will, today.  And i really think that that alone will make this summer so much more fun that i can tell her my crazy stories that are bound to happen.  

Friends- o my.  where to begin. I feel this is still a sensitive subject, but I want to focus on the positive right now.  I don't want the tone of this blog between you and I to be a negative one, thus why i will talk about everything in a mostly positive manner.  Nick, Dave, and Michael. Once again, they've come to the rescue.  I've hung out with them regularly since school's been out.  And Nick and Dave even took me out for my birthday, sans Michael due to a beach vacay.  We went to Richards-talk about an experience haha but im glad my first time going there was with Nick.  I wouldnt have it any other way. 

Hmmm....this next person. You of course know who he is. Dave. Haha.  Dave makes me laugh.  I enjoy spending time with Dave, i kinda hope i can be like him one day- successful, good looking, has his shit together.  Hey, that wouldnt be so bad right? I struggle with knowing my boundaries with Dave- he's good at hiding how he feels.  I would definitely describe myself as the pursuer, and, I'd like to think, he hasnt showed much resistance to the pursuit.  I think the key with Dave is this: I can only take it day by day with him.  Looking towards something long term is fruitless.  And i just want to enjoy hanging out with him, and whatever happens happens. I need to remember to not lose sight of that. I would love to know what he thinks of me tho. If you hear could you let me know?

the 344- we have an atypical relationship. i wouldnt have it another way though.  I think they hang out a lot with out me now-a-days.  Rather, I'm fairly confident they do.  I try not to let it bother me.  People change. Friendships change.  That doesnt mean they aren't my friends anymore.  They all came together last night and hung out with me for my birthday.  We got queso and ate at Taco Mac and watched The Office- wouldn't you say that sounds like an awesome time to spend with some of your best friends?  i don't think they really knew how much that meant to me.  When the four of us get together, it just feels right. So CC, you'll read this at some point. Thanks for the presents and stuff. You're the best :) (o hai first shout out)

Maggie- o man.  back to the grind. and by grind i mean usual.  Jealousy.  You hate that i hang out with Nick, Dave, and Michael.  You just don't understand.  its ok though. You never do.  urgh. you deserve your own entry. it will come soon i have no doubt. But we are keeping this one positive :)

I'm going to revert to a aforementioned topic that i'd like advice on.  There's an interesting dynamic between Nick Dave and I thats going on, been going on.  I think that Dave has slowly taken over the role that I used to play in Nick's life.  the go to guy.  I think thats probably better in the long run for Nick, so i can't help but be happy for this positive change.  and hey, if roles change, I'm glad im being switched for someone like Dave.  I must admit, i do get jealous they get to hang out everyday. I wish i could be there that often....

There's the friends update.  I'm kinda at a loss for words as far as life updates go.  I'm sure i'll have more after the first week of camp. O and Dave and i are planning on cooking dinner on monday and watching a movie after. I can't help but hope tomorrow goes quickly :)

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