Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Rush to Sea

Scatter-brained. I feel so here-there-everywhere lately. I don't think its a bad thing, but i can't say that im necessarily fond of it.

Firstly, I absolutely love working with Becky at camp. She makes going to work so fun. We kinda balance the work with gossip and camp traditions. We got matching lawn seats we sit at amoeba at this year. Hers is pink. Mine is green. We've even reinstated the ever popular Twix date before amoeba. The disney sing-a-long sessions at Arts and Crafts are a blast. She makes going to work so easy. I think the thing i like most about becky is that she reminds me to not get so wound up about little things, something that so easily happens to me. She is such a go with the flow kind of person. I would say thats something i definitely need to strive more to be like. The other thing i love about working with her is her advice. Her is advice is AMAZING. She is so in tune with what others think and perceive that i know her advice won't lead me astray.

And as always, im still having fun with the gurlz. We try and get together at least once during the week to watch a movie. I think we have a home video night planned soon. We are going to watch all of our stupid home movies and probably die laughing at them. I'm ril excited for this to go down. We went out for Dave's birthday last night, and it was pretty fun. I know she had a good time....MRB...cough cough. My mom got to spend some time with Nick and Dave at the outlet malls on saturday when she took me shopping for my birthday. I had a lot of fun. And i think my mom had a good time meeting them. I know they liked her!

Another interesting development, I was very very close to talking to winston today. I had the facebook chat window open, but couldnt bring myself to type anything. Part of me wants to reach out, but part of me still says why bother. I still blame him for whats going on with 2/3 of the 344. And i still want to say Fuck you to him lol.

I have more to say....but it doesnt coincide well with the tone of this post. maybe next time....

1 comment:

  1. winston? i feel the whole past seeping in thing. i've been thinking far too much lately. i'd say my theme song might be "a little less talk and a lot more action" - some advice i should take at least. but as you know, i'm a creature who does things in her own time. i'm not going to sit here and say it always works out for me (you know it doesn't), but the other half of me that lacks a great deal of patience when it comes to most things knows how effective letting things come in their own time can be. don't rush things and don't beat yourself up either. open the window a thousand more times if you have to; even if its been a year, it's not to late to say hi. one day, you'll type, or maybe one day you won't, but this is the sort of thing you'll just know.
