Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flip Flops.

I don't think ive ever been more ready for a summer in my entire life.  Usually i leave school with a half hearted glance backwards.  School this semester was such a roller coaster.  But i can't help but look towards the summer with a sense of optimism.  I'm so excited to spend my summer at Camp with Becky, in Atlanta with Nick, Dave, and Michael, and for weekends at the house boat with Maggie.  That to me, are the ingredients for a perfect summer.  

I've learned so much this semester.  And now im ready to quit learning for a little bit and just cut loose and have fun for a little bit with no resposibility.  this past weekend was probably the most fun i've had at school this year.  On thursday night, I went to a rave with M., S., B., Y.,  and J.  It was so fun.  It really reminded me of the awesome times we had together in high  school and made me realize that no matter how much time we go without hanging out with eachother, we can definitely still throw down and have a good time.  Friday night, Nick Michael and Dave came up to Athens for the Pastel party.  It was beyond fun.  Something just feels so right about hanging out with the four of them.  We haven't got to hang out alot together, but i think thats why I'm so excited for this summer.  I know when the four of us get together, we can just go out for a good time. And have no drama.  I dont think they know how much their friendship means to me, especially Nick.  He is the big brother i never had.  or have....but never talk to.  He is the one person i can go to for anything and know i can get his opinion without him thinking anything different of me.  A friend like that is so hard to come by.  

And now on the eve of my o.chem final, yes my last chem class at UGA :) , I am just thinking about how great this summer will be.  With a foolish grin of optimism on my face.  48 hours. holler back. 

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