Saturday, April 18, 2009

Poker Face

im not keen on showing emotion.  I don't view showing emotion as a weakness. Just kinda trivial.  Nothing really gets accomplished by showing and/or acting with your emotions.  Rash decisions likely ensue.  A level headed decision is always best.  

Winston and I are done.  And, in true fashion, im kind of indifferent to the whole situation.  I think that dating him helped me to figure out alot about myself, which i am really greatful for.  Things that i didnt know were true, or that i didnt realize before.  I realized that I'm kind of a selfish person.  I have a hard time putting others in front of myself.  Maybe its a good thing that having kids isnt really an option for me haha.  

This week has been kinda crazy.  I haven't felt good about myself at all.  I think this is the first time in my life that I've felt truly unhealthy.  Like including appearance and weight.  I can't help but think that alot of this unhealthiness started with Winston, academically at first.  I was a little slack in the beginning when it came to hanging out with him or doing schoolwork.  And I usually chose him.  Which in hindsight, was a bad decision.  But i enjoyed his company.  I believe that that was the beginning of the bad decisions.  A snowball effect, if you will.  

Today, I'm stopping that snowball.  A promise to myself.  I'm gonna get back on track.  Exercise. Eat better. Study hard till the end of school.  Just be a healthy person.  Making healthy decisions.  What is more is that it is written down.  This may be the first time i've written down a promise to myself to be honest.  Its a scary thing.  Writing down this promise in this journal is going to make me follow it.  Which is what i need.  A kick in the ass.  

School wasnt a priority this semester like it was last semester.  I guess the real question is is what consequences that will have down the road.  I don't regret not making school a priority this semester, i think it was my time to kinda let loose and slack off a little.  

"Something is not a waste of time if knowledge can be attained from it."

A mantra to live by.  By me. 

I think I'm Back! and better than before.  

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