Saturday, April 11, 2009


It's weird.  Coming home now is like an escape.  I take it for granted sometimes. But this weekend has really reminded me that I love coming home. And that I'm so happy to be leaving athens for the summer.  Definitely a much needed break from the classic city.  

Coming home helps to center me.  If I'm out of balance, home sets me right.  I think no matter how permanent a residence may seem at a given point in time, its never really going to replace 'home'.  Where i grew up.  Where i find myself at peace.  I think thats a really distinct definition of home.  Somewhere you can go and really escape everything.  And forget about the trivial things of day to day life.  And remember whats really important.  

Ya...i think im gonna be hard pressed to find another place like that....

(hmmm...what if a post became a daily thing....doubtful...but its worth a try....)

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