Sunday, August 9, 2009


Question: Does fortune actually favor the bold?

Answer: This past week of my life, the answer is absolutely yes. A week ago, I hadn't even spoken to you. And now a six days later, I find our conversations captivating. You charmed me on our first date; and i was beyond thrilled when you asked me out on a second one, even if it is a ways off. and you made friday night a highlight of my summer. You've made it hard to stop smiling all week.

It's not often in "our" world you find someone genuine, intelligent, charming, and all-together with it. And to see all of those characteristics in someone was refreshing to say the least. Let alone someone my age. I didnt expect to meet someone like you, especially not in the last week of summer.

And now, I'm puzzled. I have no idea what to do. Do i chalk this all up to a end-of-summer-hoorah and leave it at that? Or try and see where this goes, albeit a long distance sort of thing? I'd hate to pass up something that seems so good and want you to know that the effort would be there on my end. But saying something like that after only hanging out three times can be greatly misinterpreted. My fingers are crossed for a last second lunch date or something of the sort, although as of press time the question remains only in my mind. It's almost as if I'd like to send out a big FUCK YOU to the higher power behind the timing of this situation, because you honestly couldn't have made it any worse.

A friend told me the other day that he doesn't deal with negative attitudes. And so, I've been trying to keep nothing but a positive one about this situation. I think i need to start believing. Believing that I am someone worth having around. Someone that another wants to talk to. Wants to get to know better. Wants to be with. And mostly, I'm hoping that you see this in me. That I am worth it.


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