Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Three Numbers

These numbers to a stranger mean nothing. But to me, they mean the world. These numbers to me represent my best year so far. They represent my 3 best friends. They represent nights laughing so hard i couldn't breathe. And represent nights i couldn't breathe for other reasons....cough cough. These numbers forever bind four friends together. And represent something that can never be taken away from us. This one year in Athens. This year where we were totally irresponsible and loved every single second of it. Not only this, but we recognized what we were doing, and laughed in the face of this whirlwind of responsibility.

These numbers represent the anticipation of each day ending this school year so the four of us could hang out together. We would epically debate over which episode of The Office to watch. Or, one of my faves, dance like we didn't care to Eiffel 65. The numbers represent epic debates on where to go get food. "Lets go to Clocked." These numbers have been countless times to Checkers after midnight; or to Zaxby's for dollar Nibblerz.

These numbers tested our friendship. And at times, we all asked if it was worth it. But the test of true friends is at the end of the day, or year for that matter, can you look back at what you had and say, "Ya, i wouldn't change anything about this year." I firmly believe that everything this year happened for a reason, for better or for worse. Call it cliche if you want, but I don't care. I can honestly say that my three friends under that house taught me more about myself than anyone I've ever known.

They taught me what it was to accept something that wasn't the norm; and they did this by unquestioningly and without hesitation supporting me in my coming out process. Not only did the accept me, but tolerated me when i was rude about it and, in all reality, probably didn't treat them as they ought to have been treated. They let me make my mistakes. And let me learn from them.

They taught me what it was to be ok with yourself. They taught me what it was to not take school so seriously. And without learning that, I may have actually died this past year. They taught me what it was to be a good room mate; knocking on the door just to check in on me and how my day was.

And so. To CC, Dogie, and Josh: You guys really do mean more than you can ever imagine to me. I never really knew how to show it. But i knew at the end of each day, you guys were the ones that were there for me. You saw me at my lows, and my highs (lolz). And i want you to know that nothing, and i mean nothing, will ever compare to what we had this year. I say with the deepest sincerity that I hope we hang out this next year. It scares me more than you will know to face a living situation without you guys. You really are the best room mates i could have ever asked for.

Josh- I say goodbye to you as a room mate. Moving on without you sleeping 20 feet from me seems a little wierd. For the first time I won't be able to make fun of you on a daily basis. Maybe you'll finally learn to walk up stairs? You are my go to guy when i don't know something. The advice you give and your undying ambition to help anyone, including myself, in need is one of your most endearing qualities. I'm scared we won't see much of each other this next year, but want you to know that I'm always gonna be there when u call to hang out.

And finally, to the 344. You started as a cookie cutter house with no personality. and now we talk about how no one will EVER be good enough for you. I'd like to say thanks to you. For the laughs. For the tears. For the smoke. For being the best god damn house in that busted college town. For the truly unforgettable memories. To the motherfucking 344 bitches!

I've got that 344 love now and forever. Love you guys.


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