Saturday, April 18, 2009

Poker Face

im not keen on showing emotion.  I don't view showing emotion as a weakness. Just kinda trivial.  Nothing really gets accomplished by showing and/or acting with your emotions.  Rash decisions likely ensue.  A level headed decision is always best.  

Winston and I are done.  And, in true fashion, im kind of indifferent to the whole situation.  I think that dating him helped me to figure out alot about myself, which i am really greatful for.  Things that i didnt know were true, or that i didnt realize before.  I realized that I'm kind of a selfish person.  I have a hard time putting others in front of myself.  Maybe its a good thing that having kids isnt really an option for me haha.  

This week has been kinda crazy.  I haven't felt good about myself at all.  I think this is the first time in my life that I've felt truly unhealthy.  Like including appearance and weight.  I can't help but think that alot of this unhealthiness started with Winston, academically at first.  I was a little slack in the beginning when it came to hanging out with him or doing schoolwork.  And I usually chose him.  Which in hindsight, was a bad decision.  But i enjoyed his company.  I believe that that was the beginning of the bad decisions.  A snowball effect, if you will.  

Today, I'm stopping that snowball.  A promise to myself.  I'm gonna get back on track.  Exercise. Eat better. Study hard till the end of school.  Just be a healthy person.  Making healthy decisions.  What is more is that it is written down.  This may be the first time i've written down a promise to myself to be honest.  Its a scary thing.  Writing down this promise in this journal is going to make me follow it.  Which is what i need.  A kick in the ass.  

School wasnt a priority this semester like it was last semester.  I guess the real question is is what consequences that will have down the road.  I don't regret not making school a priority this semester, i think it was my time to kinda let loose and slack off a little.  

"Something is not a waste of time if knowledge can be attained from it."

A mantra to live by.  By me. 

I think I'm Back! and better than before.  

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It's weird.  Coming home now is like an escape.  I take it for granted sometimes. But this weekend has really reminded me that I love coming home. And that I'm so happy to be leaving athens for the summer.  Definitely a much needed break from the classic city.  

Coming home helps to center me.  If I'm out of balance, home sets me right.  I think no matter how permanent a residence may seem at a given point in time, its never really going to replace 'home'.  Where i grew up.  Where i find myself at peace.  I think thats a really distinct definition of home.  Somewhere you can go and really escape everything.  And forget about the trivial things of day to day life.  And remember whats really important.  

Ya...i think im gonna be hard pressed to find another place like that....

(hmmm...what if a post became a daily thing....doubtful...but its worth a try....)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Character Flaw

I don't write. Writing makes it real. Something I'm so good at pretending doesn't happen.  I have to acknowldege it if I write.  I never re-read anything i write. I don't like seeing those feelings come alive again. This is out of character.

I am out of character. Doing things I know aren't right. Why do them then? Why not do them? Mess up now? Or will i just be messing things up later. Where did my focus go? 

I need it so badly. It's scary.  What if it doesnt come back? Whats next....
Can i recover? I just want to know. I always want to know. More. Next. Why. How. 

Lately i've lost my love of knowing.