Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sense of Self

I won't be made the scapegoat.
You fucked up just as much, if not more, than I did.
I refuse to let this situation portray me as the sole evil.
And even now, you seem so non-chalant about everything.
You seem so caught up in yourself that you disregard the
feelings of everyone else around you, surprise surprise.

I hurt a person I look up to.
A real role model.
I'm honestly more concerned about him than you right now.
He, in all honesty, is going places in life.
It doesn't seem that you are...

1 comment:

  1. obvi, we still need our catch up session
    catch your breath first...then we shall chat
    much luck on all your academic struggles this week
    countdown-->4 days
    Forever and Always,
    The Queen
