Sunday, December 20, 2009

Five Down, Three to Go.

It's funny. In my experience, my Junior year has always been the most fun in a four year school experience. It was in high school and is proving to be the same in college. It's been a long time since my last post, however I shall try and come up with the highlights, and naturally some lowlights, of the semester.

If i could pick a word to describe this semester, it would be CHANGE.

New living situation, new room mates, new friends.

Living with Paul has probably been one of the best decisions I could have made for myself this year. It's finally put me out of my comfort zone and made me do things I wouldn't have otherwise done. I realized that I needed to take the initiative with my social life and be proactive with meeting new friends, or restoring old friendships. I think the thing that Paul and I bonded the most over is definitely our BRAVO tv time. Our tv literally never leaves that channel. Its kinda gotten to a point where both of us are weirded out if we turn on the tv and its not on Bravo. Paul also tolerates a lot of my shenanigans without saying much i.e. my clothes that sometimes take over EVERYWHERE. I think the thing i like about living with paul the most is that he knows exactly when to call me out and say: this is not okay. haha. I do sometimes wish that both of us were less busy and we could go out more, but i definitely value the time when we do get to hang out.

O my TEQUILA THURSDAYS. Where do i even begin. I think that T^2 definitely kept me sane this semester. From the very first thursday, a pact was made that myself along with Mal-pal, Greeeg, Smel, and Princess Sarah were going to become LEGENDz. I would say that it was a mild success. My tuesday thursday schedule was literally horrible; going out with these five kept me going throughout the day. I would have to say that we shut down dt every thursday and have some unforgettable memories from Yo Spicy, the 1979, scheezies, and of course mother fucking PJ!!!!!!!!!!! Mal-pal can explain more about her sleepover there if you ever get the privilege of meeting the Queen.

I think my biggest fear going into this semester was definitely my friends situation. After leaving a less than desirable living situation this past year, i was also leaving my three best friends. This past summer I had the time of my life with Nick, Michael, and Dave. I couldn't wait for it to continue into this semester. After a much successful first weekend party at the X, i thought everything was going well. Midway thru the semester however, i was involved in a very big mistake. And it cost me two very important friendships. I blame Nick more than myself, but I definitely knew better than to agree to what he asked of me that day. Losing Nick and Michael was one of the hardest things that has happened to me. To know that someone like Michael, who i admire beyond words, thought that i was one of the worst people alive hurt beyond measure. I kind of learned also that i didnt really mean all that much to Nick. Sometimes the truth is hard to learn, but its made me a much better person to finally realize that and move on and invest my time in friendships that will mean something to both parties involved. I'm still waiting for the day that Michael can finally forgive me and I can apologize for what i did. Having his frienship again would mean the world to me. As for Nick, i just don't know. I'm really trying to surround myself with positive people, and I'm still trying to decide if he is one of those people.

I think losing them made me rekindle some old friendships from high school. My friendships with Melanie, Becky, and Sarah have meant the world to me this semester. They were my partners in crime, from drinking and going out to having lazy days on the couch. They were there through all the bullshit with Nick as well as with the various boys that have frequented my life this semester. Through it all, they made me laugh and forget about my problems. Throughout this semester, I've started becoming better friends with Hattie. It was definitely unexpected, but I absolutely love hanging out with her. Our epic days are basically legendary by now. and i love that we've become friends. I think my most unexpected friendships, however, are a result of cheerleading. Elise and Troy have become some of my closest friends and i love spending time with them. I hate that they live so far away but when we hang out we make sure we are always a shitty mess and hating on other people :) hate hate hate hate hate, i don't care what these girls say.

As far as academia goes, I decided to take 17 hours this semester: GENE3000, VPHY3100, PHYS1112, SPAN4050, and SPAN4060. I absolutely loved being in VPHY. I finally felt like i was being taught relevant material to what i actually want to do. Not only that but i felt like they actually wanted us to succeed in our class, instead of tricking us on tests and trying to make us fail. I did surprisingly well in my arch-nemesis PHYSICS. But heyyy, im done with that shit forever. woot woot. I finished this semester with a 3.71 and an overall GPA of a 3.50. Needless to say i need to keep doing well and keep on getting my GPA up. I also set a finite date on the biggest day of my life so far. April 10, 2010. That would be the day that I'm taking the mcat. I'm not taking a class because they are so expensive. But as with other things, I'm determined to show everyone that just because you don't have money to pay for something doesnt mean you can't be successful in what you do.

As far as cheering goes, I decided to do Stingrays this year and am on RUST. Our music is the deal. And so is our squad. We already have our bid to worlds, and im hoping that this will be the year that i finally get that DALLAS jacket and that coveted RING from worlds. SHOW your friends your new BLING BLING.

I couldn't have asked for a better semester. and am thankful for everything that has happened. As with everything, i try and learn something from every experience that happens, be it a good one or bad one. Fall 2009 was on another level. Here's to 2010 being the best year of my life.

Love (that's whats really important),
Zic Zack

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