Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Case of the Tuesdays

I actually hate Tuesdays. But today. I decided I wasn't going to.

After my midterm at 8 am and attending my ensuing spanish lit class, I decided to show Tuesday that i was gonna have a good day and allowed myself a lil break and skipped evolutionary biology for the day. So i scuttled home and cooked myself a nice lil lunch that consisted of mac and cheese and some coke. I returned to campus at one and worked for the next three hours. Work actually wasn't bad. And i left work feeling great. I even went on a run with Michael today and managed to keep up the whole time. Go me.

Since today was Tuesday, and It and I had recently thrown away our qualms with each other, I decided to do something out of the ordinary. At 5:00 I attended the Genetics Students Association. It was kinda like being a celebrity- they were so happy I was there. Everyone was super nice and asked me my name and what I was studying and such. I even was asked to run for Secretary and/or Philanthropy Chair of the club. ~schoooop. I felt super intellectual as I listened to the guest presenter discuss Transposable Elements and the ground breaking work she did with her co-workers who eventually won the nobel prize. heyyyy. The meeting was running a little long for my liking, but i managed to survive and make a few new friends. And i found a class to take next semester that will count as one of my intensive lab classes. Smel is enrolling in the class as well. So pumped.

It was fun playing pretend all afternoon, but lets be honest: Tuesday doesn't it like it when you think that It is actually a good day. I arrived at my car to find that Tuesday had left a nice little parking ticket on my car. I said, "Thanks Tuesday for letting me attend that GSA meeting for $40. It was really too kind of you." Tuesday then showed that it wasn't going down without a fight.

It meant business with Its next attack. It showed that It would stoop as low as allowing for someone to stand me up for a dinner date. Excyaauuse me? Tuesday clearly does -not- know who It is dealing with. It needs to learn that people need to get on my level and realize that when I ask someone to din din, they best not cancel half an hour before. KNOW YOUR GAME.

I called Smel and Princess for a pick me up. And as always, they came to the rescue. Love them. We decided to rage in the Sci Li and try and get things done. But Tuesday is trying to intervene yet again and rear its ugly head using voodoo and procrastination. don't fear however- the three of us plan to fight fire with fire. and our friend leroy will soon be our biggest ally.

So, Tuesday, you can suck it. You're no match for the Triple Team.


Sunday, October 4, 2009



Envelopes me.
Suffocates me.
Paralyzes me.
Numb. Raw. Alone.

The "old" him turns to him and says,
"That's not you."
And that, perhaps, is the worst
thing said so far.

Sense of Self

I won't be made the scapegoat.
You fucked up just as much, if not more, than I did.
I refuse to let this situation portray me as the sole evil.
And even now, you seem so non-chalant about everything.
You seem so caught up in yourself that you disregard the
feelings of everyone else around you, surprise surprise.

I hurt a person I look up to.
A real role model.
I'm honestly more concerned about him than you right now.
He, in all honesty, is going places in life.
It doesn't seem that you are...