Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This Is Who I least i hope so

The formation is set. Cue the lights. I see ten thousand people cheering us on. I hear the first beat of the music. A year of practice leads up to this moment. This is what a National Championship feels like. Execution is critical. Timing is everything. I rely on my muscle memory and instincts to carry me through the routine. This is no time for nerves. I trust my teammates as we go through our routine, performing motions we’ve done every day for the past eight months. Today I am wearing the NCA National Championship Jacket, the most coveted prize in the sport of cheerleading. Grace under pressure brought the ultimate success and a dream was realized. Cheerleading has taught me how to trust others, remain calm under pressure, and the importance of commitment, three qualities that are critical to the practice of medicine.

The acquisition of knowledge and the passion to learn are two qualities that are inextricably linked to my personality. I believe the day we cease to learn is the day we stop progressing as a society. The impetus in my path towards practicing medicine directly results from the connection I share with the learning process and knowledge. I believe that in addition to providing service and contributing to a higher quality of living, doctors are charged with the duty to educate, facilitate understanding, and provide resolution to the patient regarding the practice of medicine. With the reduction of fears and mysteries of the public’s perception of disease, society can grow and progress, viewing the field of medicine as a friend rather than a foe. I hold the belief that with knowledge, people’s fears of a seemingly daunting disease can be assuaged.

Throughout the past four years, I have worked as both a Spanish translator and an academic tutor. My volunteer work has brought me into contact with children, adults, and peers, as well as many minority groups. Through these two jobs, I have learned to translate subject matter that is complex and confusing to some in to a simpler language. I view the practice of medicine as a process analogous to this. Often, patients may be confused or misunderstand what a doctor says. However, through doctors, the public can learn more about a disease and its symptoms, what it means to have a form of cancer, or how the body fights a certain pathogen. In addition, with the growing number of Spanish speaking immigrants coming to the United States, my knowledge of a second language will serve as an asset to the medical community.

While a passion for service and providing a higher quality of life are fundamental to the practice of medicine, a possession of the understanding of current state of medicine is also critical. My studies and research in the field of Genetics have brought a unique perspective on the direction medicine is likely to take. Through advances in DNA sequencing technology, the promise and realization of preventative medicine as the future of medicine will prove highly important in the coming years. My studies have allowed for an increased understanding of the coming change from reactive medicine to preventative medicine. For me, medicine heralds the perfect path to integrate my desires to contribute, remain involved in the field of science, and form important bridges with members of the community.